Matthew Sauer, Founder & Chief Investment Officer
Matthew Sauer is the Founder and Chief Investment Officer of the Mutual Fund Investor Guide family of newsletters. Each month he analyzes and provides buy, sell and hold recommendations for hundreds of mutual funds, ETFs and Dividend Funds in three newsletters: Investor Guide to Fidelity Funds, ETF Investor Guide and Investor Guide to Vanguard Funds.
Prior to leading the Mutual Fund Investor Guide, Matthew was President and Chief Investment Officer of the Fidelity Independent Adviser, ETF Report & Sector Momentum Tracker newsletters. Each week, Matt’s recommendations were read by over 150,000 members.
Matt earned his Juris Doctor from Albany Law School of Union University in Albany, NY and is a licensed attorney in the State of New York. He received his Master of Business Administration, from the State University of New York at Albany and his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Economics from Bucknell University.
Alison Lyons, Director of Member Services
Alison has worked in financial services for over 15 years. She works directly with Matt on the day-to-day operations of the firm. Alison excels at managing the needs of our members and is a quick problem solver. Alison continues to build strong relationships which help to exceed member expectations and experience. Alison resides in North Adams, MA with her husband and two children.
Matthew Cowie, Portfolio Analyst
Matt graduated with a degree in Economics from Washington & Lee University. Having passed his Series 65 exam, Matt is a Licensed Registered Investment Advisor in the state of MA. Matt conducts daily research, follows market trends and is our lead analyst. He works directly with Matt Sauer and identifies investment positions that will be beneficial in various market conditions. After spending eight years living and working in China, Matt has become extremely familiar with international markets which brings an added layer of expertise to our analysis. Matt resides in Adams, MA with his wife and two children.
Executive Support Team